4 Most Popular and Best Western Rock Bands of All Time

The 10 most popular and best western bands of all time will be discussed in this Okezone article. Many bands have also emerged with the rock genre. Most of the famous rock bands that have become legends in the world of music were born in the United States and England.

Here are some of the best and most popular rock bands of all time

1. The Beatles

10 Most Popular and Best Western Rock Bands of All Time

Who doesn’t know this legendary band, The Beatles is a rock band from which the band was formed in the city of Liverpool in 1960. Until now, The Beatles are still the best and most popular rock band. The Beatles’ songs are still often heard and played today. The Beatles themselves consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The Beatles’ popular songs include Hey Jude, Let it Be, Twist and Shout and many more.read also:

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2. The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones were a band from the 1960s that performed rock songs, this band has the same origins as The Beatles, namely England. Initially formed The Rolling Stones consisted of Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Brian Jones, Mick Avory and Dick Taylor. The Rolling Stones themselves have created hits and famous songs such as Satisfaction, PaintIt Black, Angie, Sypathy of The Devil and others. This band has become one of the world’s rock music icons, because its logo depicts a tongue sticking out.

3. Queen


Queen is a band from London, England which was formed in the 1970s whose initial band members consisted of Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon. His legendary songs are Bohemian Rhapsody, Love of My Life, I Want To Break Free, We Are The Champions and others. Their most successful album was A Night at Opera which sold out all over the world.

4.Gun’s N Roses

Guns N Roses

Guns N’ Roses is a band that was popular in the 1980s, originating from the United States. Members include Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, Dizzy Reed, Melissa Reese, Richard Fortus and Frank Ferrer. The Guns N’ Roses album that became known to the world was through the 1987 album Appetite for Destruction with hit songs including Welcome To The Jungle, Sweet Child O’Mild and Paradise City.

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