Xdinary Heroes Concert Tickets in Jakarta Suddenly Upgraded, Check Out the Details

 The Xdinary Heroes concert which will be held in Indonesia, is only a matter of days away. Titled Break the Brake, the event was held at The Kasablanka Hall on Saturday (2/3/2024).

Ahead of the concert, there is good news for Xdinary Heroes fans who will watch the idol’s concert. Because Mecima Pro , as the promoter, announced that there were changes to the Yellow category.

Yellow category ticket holders who were previously in the festival position, aka standing, will now get a seat. This was officially reported by Mecimapro via its Instagram page.

“Dear Villains Indonesia, because there are adjustments in the Xdinary Heroes <Break the Brake> World Tour in Jakarta (concert), there will be changes in the Yellow category,” wrote Mecimapro in his upload, Wednesday (28/2/2024).

“The Yellow category, which previously had a standing format, has now changed to a seating format,” he added.

This change also applies to each category Yellow A and B. Which will later change to Yellow right and left.

The following are the ticket categories provided by the promoter. Yellow (Rp. 1.1 million), Green (Rp. 1.7 million), Blue (Rp. 2.4 million) and MCP Package (Rp. 2.8 million).

As a warm-up, what songs will Xdinary Heroes perform at the concert? Perhaps, the setlist for their concert in Paris, France could be a leak.

One of the songs that will definitely be present is of course Break the Brake which is on Xdinary Heroes’ latest EP, Livelock. Remembering that the name of this concert matches the single.

Apart from Break the Brake, there are several songs on the Livelock EP which were part of the setlist at the Xdinary Heroes concert in Paris, France. Among them are ‘Freddy’, ‘Enemy’, ‘Paranoid’, ‘Bad Chemical’, ‘Again? Again!’as well as ‘Pluto’.

Another prediction that cannot be ignored is Xdinary Heroes’ Bandar togel terpercaya debut song, Happy Death Day, which will be released in 2021.

Xdinary Heroes is indeed a new band that emerged in 2021. However, regarding achievements, Jungsu CS can be compared.

For example, the first song Xdinary Heroes, Happy Death Day, is at number 12 on the Billboard World Digital Song Sales.

Others won two trophies at MAMA 2022. The awards were for the ‘Best Band Performance’ and ‘Best New Male Artist’ categories.

The Moment Mr. Bas Changed His Profession to Become a Drummer for the Band Kotak, Performed the Song ‘Action’

SOLO – PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono has gone viral again after suddenly changing his profession to become a drummer. In a video circulating, Pak Bas is seen as the drummer for the Kotak Band. He accompanied Tantri in singing Beraksi. Mr. Bas also looks like a professional and relaxed playing the drum. In the video he is wearing white clothes and a black hat with the PUPR logo. The video of Mr. Bas becoming the drummer for the Kotak Band went viral after being shared by the TikTok account @cepatsebuah on Monday (2/1/2023). From the information, Mr. Bas carried out this action at the PUPR 77th Public Service Day Folk Festival on December 3 2022. Minister Basuki himself is really good at playing the drums, before this he had showcased his talent several times at several events. ALSO READ Apart from being an impromptu photographer, Mr. Bas has also gone viral with his old cell phone Several years ago, Pak Bas and other officials such as Budi Karya Sumadi, Retno Marsudi and Ganjar Pranowo, played songs on the stage of the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) campus.

How to Manage a Small Business to Quickly Succeed

No matter how big the capital, the business will be difficult or even unable to develop if the management is not good. Especially for small businesses, understanding how to manage a business is very important so that our business goals can run according to expectations and business development in a positive direction can continue to occur.

How to manage a business has actually become a mandatory application in large-scale businesses. However, even on a small or medium scale business, business management often does not apply.

This happens because not everyone understands and wants to learn how to manage a business. The habit of fighting in various situations with courage is often thought to be the main weapon for winning business. In fact, courage without proper planning and management will only make our efforts die in vain quickly or slowly.

The Importance of Understanding How to Manage a Business

You may still be thinking, what is the importance of understanding how to manage a business if the scale of the business is still small. Even for small businesses, good management is what can ultimately increase the scale of the business. The following is the importance of understanding how to manage a business so that business goals can occur.

  • Everything is More Planned

Not only in business, in making decisions in daily activities, plans become very important. With a good plan, we can anticipate the worst possibilities. We can understand what to do if a situation occurs. Business is no exception, business management methods can make all business activities more planned so that everything done can support future business goals.

  • Efforts Become Clearly Directed

Understanding how to manage business makes it easier for us to walk on the right track. All efforts made for the business, whether made by you as a leader or by employees, can be clearly directed. So, business goals will not deviate.

  • More Controlled Activities

Things that often happen in a business that leads to failure in various business activities appear to be uncontrollable. This condition starts from uncontrolled business activities. In fact, if we understand how to manage a business, each business activity can be monitored and controlled more carefully so that things that can harm the company can be minimized.

 Tips for Managing Business for Small Businesses

In large-scale companies, business management matters are usually left to professionals. However, for small businesses, of course you cannot immediately recruit professionals to run the business because it will require large costs, which can take up production funds and other business activities.Like it or not, we ourselves have to learn and understand how to manage a business well. No need to be confused, here are some tips on how to manage a business for small businesses that can be directly applied to the business you are starting and running.Create Targets and Products Based on Consumer TrendsIt often happens that business owners have the idealism to create various business products to be distributed on the market. However, unfortunately, when they were put on the market, these products did not sell and became a big loss for the business being run.Idealism is necessary, but consumer needs are more important in running a business. There is no point in making products based on idealism if that is not what consumers need. This only makes the product unsold and the business becomes helter-skelter.Start changing our mindset and create targets and products based on trends in consumer needs. Forget idealism for a moment and start focusing on researching what consumers want and need from a product. Then, create business targets according to research from monitoring these consumers. That way, the business products you create will have more potential to sell on the market and make your business grow faster.Determine Product Quantity and QualityWhen running a small business in particular, it is not uncommon for us to be confused when faced with two choices in making a product. What do we want to excel at in the products we create, quantity or quality?It is not uncommon for choices to be made because limited capital is deemed unable to accommodate both. With minimal capital, it is difficult to produce abundant production. Under the same conditions, it is difficult to create products of first-class quality. Believe me, this thinking only becomes an obstacle in developing your business. Even with limited capital, we can still increase product quantity and quality.Make products in large quantities according to market needs that you have researched first so that they are easily available to the public. Don’t forget to display superior quality. Quality here does not have to be number one in all aspects, but there are quality aspects that are prioritized according to consumer needs. We guarantee that our business products will be more easily seen by consumers with this combination of quantity and quality.Marketing Should Not Be IgnoredThe good products that we have produced may remain unsold on the market if no one knows about their existence. For new products, it takes quite a lot of effort to make consumers aware of the existence of the product. This is where the importance of marketing as a way of managing a business that should not be ignored.Through good marketing, consumers not only know about the existence of a new product, but also about the quality of the products produced by our business. Through marketing, we can expand our sales reach so that the quantity of product sales and potential business profits can increase.The existence of social media and various online marketplaces nowadays actually makes marketing easier for small and medium businesses. Yes, we can do marketing with minimal capital by utilizing the digital world. However, what should not be forgotten is that you always combine marketing with product orientation and direct promotion to increase consumer confidence.Customize Marketing ToolsMarketing is indeed a very important tool in developing a business. In fact, in a concept it is recommended that the budget for marketing should reach 40 percent of the total capital you have.However, it often happens that we have spent a lot of budget on marketing, but sales remain stagnant, making it difficult for the business to develop. Usually this happens because we use inappropriate marketing tools.The right marketing tool for small businesses is actually social media. Of course, promotions carried out via social media must be able to describe the product well and in detail so that people are interested in buying it. Also make sure that potential consumers can easily direct purchases if they are interested in a product promoted via social media. This marketing tool is more realistic for small businesses with limited funds to market products, compared to having to advertise in the media with large funds or by promoting directly to one person at a time.

The moment Sri Mulyani greets Prabowo at the Cabinet Meeting

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani also attended the plenary cabinet session at the State Palace, Jakarta. Before the trial, Sri Mulyani shook hands with Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto .
Monitoring at the State Palace, Monday (26/2/2024), Sri Mulyani was seen talking with Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto and Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian. Occasionally the three of them smiled and laughed.

Prabowo sat to the right of Tito. Meanwhile, Sri Mulyani sat to the left of Tito.

Sri Mulyani stood up and shook hands with Luhut. After that, Sri Mulyani approached Prabowo Subianto who was sitting. As soon as he saw Sri Mulyani coming over, Prabowo got up from his seat and shook hands.



Selamat datang di For4d rekomendasi situs togel online resmi terpercaya yang menyediakan fasilitas dan pelayanan lengkap di For4d. Yang mana For4d merupakan sebuah pilihan tempat bermain terbaik yang banyak di cari oleh para togelers dan bettor sejati sekarang. Di sebabkan dengan bermain di For4d Lo semuanya bisa bermain dengan akses yang sangat cepat dan hebat. Terutama dengan pelayanan dari customer service yang bersedia melayani Lo selama 24 jam full. Bersama dengan pelayanan terbaik dari customes service yang bersedia melayani Lo 24 jam di barengi dengan fasilitas lengkapnya. Dan juga telah di lengkapi live chat di manapun dan kapanpun Lo ingin bermain.

Lain dari pada itu di For4d Lo dapat bermain sepuasnya tanpa adanya mengalami kendaal atau yang biasa di sebutkan dengan maintance. Salah satu alasan mengapa Lo dapat bermain sepuasnya selama bemain di For4d ialah dengan. Bermain di For4d rekomendasi situs togel online resmi tepercaya 2024 Lo bisa mulai bermain dengan modal yang terjangkau. Di mana dengan modal deposit untuk memulai GAME dengan murah yaitu hanya 10 ribu saja. Di Jugai dengan minimal taruhan betingan yang sangat kecil di For4d. Yaitu hanya dengan minimal betingan 100 perak saja Lo dapat bemain dengan aman dan nyaman di For4d. Lain daripada itu di For4d Lo juga bisa mendapatkan hadiah terbesar dari modal bermain yang sangat kecil tersebut. Yaitu bernominal jumlah 4D 10 juta.


Apabila Lo bermain di For4d rekomendasi situs togel online resmi terpercaya Lo Lo mesti tahu bahwa. Di For4d Lo bakal merasakan keunggulan dan fasilitas yang usdah di sajikan untuk konsumen yang ingin bermain di For4d. Oleh karenanya di sarankan bagi Lo Lo sekalian untuk lanjut scrool membaca apa apa saja keunggulan dari bermain di For4d. Yang di mana keunggulan dari bermain di For4d adalah sebagai berikut:

1.Kenyamanan Bermain Dengan Link Anti Nawala Dan Akses Cepat

Kenyamanan bermain bisa di jadikan alasan mengapa sekarang ini banyak permain judi online yang memilih milih tempat bermain. Yang di mana dengan bermain di For4d Lo Lo bisa mendapatkan dan merasakan sensasi bermain yang hebat dan nyaman. Terutama dengan link anti nawala dan akses bermain yang cepat. Nah hal itu bisa di masukkan sebagai alasan mengapa banyak para togelers dan para bettor untuk bermain.

2.Pelayanan Aktif 24 Jam Responsif Dan Terpercaya

Selanjutnya di For4d menyediakan fasilitas berupa pelayanan yang selama 24 jam akan standby melayani customer selama 24 jam. Di mana di For4d kita menyebutnya dengan customer service yang bakal melayani Lo selama Lo memulai GAME.

3.Pasaran Terbesar, Terlengkap Dan Tepercaya

Pasaran merupakan hal yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga para pemain togel. Apalagi jika orang tersebut merupakan pemain togel online yang setia bermain judi online saat ini. Lain daripada itu di For4d For4d meneydiakan 91 pasaran terbesar dan terkenal yang di sajikan untuk konsumen. Dan termasuk juga dengan Lo yang penasaran dan ingin bermain di For4d.

4.Tersedia Prediksi Jitu Togel Akurat Dengan Bermain Di

Fasilitas berupa prediksi angka togel juga di sediakan di For4d, sesuai dengan pasaran yang sudah di sediakan di For4d. Yang di mana dengan bermain di For4d Lo bisa memakai angka jitu yang sudah di sediakan. Tapi ada baiknya jika Lo menggunakan angka jitu sendiri.


GAME togel online pastinya sudah tidak asing lagi bag Lo dan para togelers lainnya di luar sana. Apalagi dengan tersedianya hadiah terbesar yang ada di For4d. Pastinya Lo bakal merasakan bagaimana menariknya dengan bermain di For4d. Setelah itu di For4d Lo bisa memulai GAME dengan tersedianya banyak pasaran terbesar dan terkenal. Jika di katakan dengan tingkat keamanannya, sudah pasti di For4d sangat aman. Sebab di For4d semuanya sudah berlisensi resmi dari WLA. Jadi sudah bisa di percaya dan dapat di andalkan Juga tidak ada yang perlu di khawatirkan. Dan seluruh kemenangan Lo akan di bayar lunas langsung saat itu.













Jonas Brothers Concert Held Tonight, Here’s Exciting Fans’ Preparations

There are only a matter of hours until the first Jonas Brothers concert will be held at ICE, BSD City, South Tangerang on Saturday (24/2/2024) evening.

Fans were seen filling the area outside ICE BSD to exchange wristband tickets. Even though it was busy, the atmosphere outside the venue was still quite orderly and conducive.

The fans looked beautifully dressed to meet their idol tonight. They all wore their best clothes and make-up to meet Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas in person.

The atmosphere at the entrance to the Jonas Brothers concert at ICE, BSD City, South Tangerang on Saturday (24/2/2024) evening.  [Tiara Rosana/Suara.com]
The atmosphere at the entrance to the Jonas Brothers concert at ICE, BSD City, South Tangerang on Saturday (24/2/2024) evening. [Tiara Rosana/Suara.com]

Like Pamela and Zahra, Jonas Brothers fans who came from Bogor. They carried fans with a picture of Nick’s face, a characteristic of a fan.

“It’s really nice, really exciting, finally (meeting) after a long time. It’s really childhood memories to see them here,” said Pamela, when met before the concert.

“We’ve liked the Jonas Brothers since elementary school, since about 14 years ago. Here we come with fans, we’re both on Nick’s team,” said Zahra, laughing.

The two friends admitted that they had been preparing for this concert for a long time. Pamela and Zahra have even arranged the clothes they will wear today since a week ago.

Two female potential spectators for the Jonas Brothers Concert which took place at ICE, BSD City, South Tangerang on Saturday (24/2/2024) evening.  [Tiara Rosana/Suara.com]
Two female potential spectators for the Jonas Brothers Concert which took place at ICE, BSD City, South Tangerang on Saturday (24/2/2024) evening. [Tiara Rosana/Suara.com]

“It’s been a long time since I decided on my outfit, it’s been a week,” said Pamela.

On the other hand, other fans even brought banners to encourage the Jonas brothers. Larissa and Sheila have prepared a special article that they will convey to Joe et al.

“Really excited, we’ve been waiting for a long time. We made this banner a week ago. It contains thanks and a promise that we will be together with the Jonas Brothers for 3,000 years,” said Larissa.

Larissa and Sheila are very enthusiastic about tonight’s concert. They have already decided on the outfit a month ago. The two girls were also waiting for the song Fly With Me to be performed.

Two female potential spectators for the Jonas Brothers Concert which took place at ICE, BSD City, South Tangerang on Saturday (24/2/2024) evening.  [Tiara Rosana/Suara.com]
Two female potential spectators for the Jonas Brothers Concert which took place at ICE, BSD City, South Tangerang on Saturday (24/2/2024) evening. [Tiara Rosana/Suara.com]

“We have also decided on the outfit a month ago. We are really looking forward to the performance of the song ‘Fly With Me’,” said Sheila.

On the other hand, this is the Jonas Brothers’ first concert in Indonesia. On the stage entitled “The Tour”, the three brothers will perform songs from their hit album.

The Jonas Brothers are scheduled to take the stage at 19.30 WIB, after the opening performance by Putri Ariani.

4 Most Popular and Best Western Rock Bands of All Time

The 10 most popular and best western bands of all time will be discussed in this Okezone article. Many bands have also emerged with the rock genre. Most of the famous rock bands that have become legends in the world of music were born in the United States and England.

Here are some of the best and most popular rock bands of all time

1. The Beatles

10 Most Popular and Best Western Rock Bands of All Time

Who doesn’t know this legendary band, The Beatles is a rock band from which the band was formed in the city of Liverpool in 1960. Until now, The Beatles are still the best and most popular rock band. The Beatles’ songs are still often heard and played today. The Beatles themselves consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The Beatles’ popular songs include Hey Jude, Let it Be, Twist and Shout and many more.read also:

6 Indonesian Artists from Cilacap, Some of whom are Deputy Regent

2. The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones were a band from the 1960s that performed rock songs, this band has the same origins as The Beatles, namely England. Initially formed The Rolling Stones consisted of Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Brian Jones, Mick Avory and Dick Taylor. The Rolling Stones themselves have created hits and famous songs such as Satisfaction, PaintIt Black, Angie, Sypathy of The Devil and others. This band has become one of the world’s rock music icons, because its logo depicts a tongue sticking out.

3. Queen


Queen is a band from London, England which was formed in the 1970s whose initial band members consisted of Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon. His legendary songs are Bohemian Rhapsody, Love of My Life, I Want To Break Free, We Are The Champions and others. Their most successful album was A Night at Opera which sold out all over the world.

4.Gun’s N Roses

Guns N Roses

Guns N’ Roses is a band that was popular in the 1980s, originating from the United States. Members include Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, Dizzy Reed, Melissa Reese, Richard Fortus and Frank Ferrer. The Guns N’ Roses album that became known to the world was through the 1987 album Appetite for Destruction with hit songs including Welcome To The Jungle, Sweet Child O’Mild and Paradise City.

Last Child Returns to Pop Punk Again, Virgoun: Let Listeners Who Have Only Heard the Song ‘Grief’ Know Our Original Music!

Last Child is back! As well as celebrating 16 years of career, the band fronted by Virgoun (vocals), Dimaz Rangga (bass), and Ipank (drums) released their newest ” Moments That “.

If you listen to this song, you could say it’s louder than Last Child’s works in recent years.

The thing is, Virgoun wanted to let new Last Child listeners hear that the band also had its rocky days.

“Those Moments were created for two purposes. Firstly, to relieve the longing of Last Friends (as Last Child fans are known) to reminisce about the fast songs like when the band was first formed. “And secondly, introducing Last Child’s original musical identity to ‘kids today’ who only know our songs as Grief, Surrender and a few other songs,” said Virgoun.

“If you ask what makes it different compared to previous songs, I think that yesterday we came out with songs that were fast, but lyrically they were confusing, right? So what’s really cool now is, lyrically it’s still love, but we’re taking it from the fun side. Guaranteed to be fun!”, added Ipank.

In terms of theme, “Those Moments” is inspired by the true story of the vocalist’s love journey; about a band boy who meets a girl at a music event, and with all his limitations struggles to win the girl’s love in the hope that one day she will become his life partner.

“Virgoun actually wrote this song a long time ago, up to now he has changed the arrangement 3 times, but this latest version is the funniest, because the three of us have known each other since high school, the chemistry and direction of the music we want to take together have already come together. ; “Just return the sense of music to the beginning of Last Child’s career,” continued Dimaz.

Yep, that’s right. This song has actually “appeared” in the series Me and the Time Machine (2021) which can be watched on the Dapur Musik YouTube channel.2 of 2 pages

“Well, when the project Me and the Time Machine was released, one of the songs that was asked about in the comments was this song. Because at that time we gave very little leaks, so many people asked what the song was in that episode, that minute, whose song was it and what was the title? Then we agreed, no one answered, so we just had to wait for the game date. Hahaha!”, continued Virgoun.

Last Child also hopes that “Those Moments” can be a form of celebration for those who are in love, as well as a celebration of togetherness for their friendship.

“Most people say ‘don’t look back, just look forward, move on’; like that, yeah. But through this song, we give another perspective, sometimes looking back can be that fun, you know, there are definitely sweet and beautiful events that can be a mood-booster for us in the present. “Well, hopefully this can be felt,” added Dimaz.

“Insha Allah, this song can be accepted, digested and enjoyed. For those who miss Last Child, you can get relief while moshing or head-banging perhaps. “Continue, for those who know Last Child through this song, hopefully it can be a song to accompany PDKT/going out with, and can also be played when you’re having fun hanging out with friends, because good times last forever!”, concluded Ipank.

Listen to Last Child – Those Times below:

Profile of Reality Club, a Local Band that is World Famous

Have you ever heard the song Reality Club, a local indie band that is so successful that it has become a favorite of many people in neighboring countries? If not, Blibli Friends must check out their music! Their achievements are really impressive, let’s get to know them starting by checking the full Reality Club profile below

Reality Club is an indie band from Jakarta that was founded in 2016. The music genres they play are indie pop and indie rock. Currently, Reality Club has 4 members. Even though they have the status of an independent band, Reality Club has proven to be very active in releasing songs, Extended Plays and albums. It is proven that they have released 4 albums from 2017 to 2023. 

Reality Club Personnel


Currently, Reality Club consists of 4 members . There is Fathia “Chia” Izzati as vocalist and keyboard player , Anugrah “Nugi” Wicaksono as bass player , Era Pratigo Rizky as drummer, and Faiz Novascotia Saripudin as vocalist and guitarist. Meanwhile, the two former members are Mayo Falmonti and Iqbal Anggakusumah. 

Diskografi Reality Club


Here is the list of albums that Reality Club has released:

  • Never Get Better – released August 19, 2017 independently.
  • Never Get Better (Japanese Version) – released February 22 2019 under the Lirico / Inpartmaint label.
  • What Do You Really Know? – released 30 August 2019 independently.
  • Reality Club Presents – released May 26, 2023 independently. 

Meanwhile, the Extended Play (EP) that Reality Club released was entitled The Rush and Other Vices, which was released on September 25 2020 independently. There are quite a lot of popular Single Reality Clubs, below are some of them:

  • Is It The Answer? – rilis 2017
  • Elastic Hearts – rilis 2017
  • Alexandra – released 2019
  • SSR – released 2019
  • Telenovia – released 2019
  • I Wish I Was Your Joke – rilis 2021
  • You Let Her Go Again – rilis 2021 
  • Tell Me I’m Wrong – rilis 2021
  • Anything You Want – rilis 2022
  • Dancing in The Breeze Alone – rilis 2023
  • Desire – release 2023. 

Unique Facts About Reality Club

Here are some unique facts about Reality Club:

1. Starting from Home Training


Reality Club careers start from the bottom too, you know. They were originally a band that practiced at home. Even the recording was done at home. Didn’t expect it to be as successful as it is now! This band was actually initiated by Mayo Falmonti. Mayo invited Fathia, who already had her own YouTube channel, and Era Pratigo Rizky to form a band. 

Fathia then invited her older brother, Faiz Novascotia Saripudin, to join this band. After that, he also invited his friend, Iqbal Anggakusumah. Along the way, Mayo finally had other activities and decided to resign. Likewise with Iqbal. So in the end there were just four of them. 

2. Successful Tour Abroad


Reality Club’s songs and albums were successfully received by music lovers in Indonesia until they finally decided to go on tour. For their second album, Reality Club chose to tour in 3 places, namely Palembang, Makassar and Bali. These three concerts were a great success, Reality Club managed to meet directly with fans and even attract new fans .

Reality Club knows very well that fans of their music do not only come from Indonesia, so they are also trying to make their dream of performing abroad a reality. This dream came true in 2019, Reality Club finally successfully held their first overseas tour in Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. 

Amazingly, Reality Club was invited to one of the prestigious world music festivals, South By Southwest (SXSW) 2020 which was held in Austin, Texas. Unfortunately this event was not held due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

3. Become a Nominee for a Prestigious Music Award


Reality Club has often been nominated for various prestigious music awards. Among them are Best Newcomer at Anugerah Musik Indonesia 2018, Duo/Group/Vocal Group/Alternative Collaboration at Anugerah Musik Indonesia 2020 and 2021. Even though they are only nominees, they are all big achievements for an indie band like Reality Club. 

4. Reality Club will appear at Pestapora


If you can’t wait to see Reality Club’s performance live, you can clear the schedule for 22 – 24 September 2023. Reality Club will perform at Pestapora 2023 which will be held at Gambir Expo and Hall D JIEXPO, Kemayoran. It’s really exciting, because at Blibli Friends you can watch various performances by musicians from all genres of music in Indonesia!

Get it at the Venue Search Culture x Pestapora Printed Shirt 

  • Price Range: IDR 399,000 – IDR 405,000

Blibli Now

Don’t forget to buy the official merchandise which you can get now. Later on the day you can pick it up at the venue and use it straight away. Like the Selusur Kultur x Pestapora Printed Shirt, which is colorful and really fun!

Chris Martin’s Hilarious Action in the Middle of a Concert, Borrowing a Hundred from the Audience via Pantun

Chris Martin gave fans a surprise in the middle of his performance when he appeared with Coldplay personnel at the GBK Main Stadium, Jakarta, Wednesday (15/11/2023) evening. The reason is, after performing several songs such as Higher Power, Adventure Of A Lifetime, and Paradise, Chris suddenly read a rhyme. “Hi Jakarta. “I want to read rhymes,” said Chris Martin, trying to speak Indonesian. Read Also Bringing Higher Power, Coldplay Opens the Concert with an Invitation to Get the Audience Excited “Tuesday, physics exam. “In order to study, in order to graduate, first borrow a hundred,” said Chris Martin. Spectators throughout the GBK stadium area were suddenly ‘laughing’ in congregation. Even though he sounded a little stuttered when reading the rhyme, Chris succeeded in stirring the stomachs of the audience with his Indonesian jokes. For your information, Coldplay finally opened their first concert entitled Musif of Spheres World Tour in Jakarta on Wednesday (15/11/2023) evening. After opening with Rahmania Astrini’s performance, Chris Martin cs then entered the stage area to greet the fans who had filled the GBK stadium area. As usual, Chris Martin and his friends appeared in bright, colorful outfits and on a magnificent stage set. Read Also Chris Martin Says Assalaamualaikum when Opening the Coldplay Concert at GBK Jakarta The audience present was hysterical. They looked enthusiastic because this was the first time the British rock band had performed in Indonesia. The atmosphere was not only broken by the loud screams of the audience, but also the stunning performance of Coldplay personnel when they performed the song entitled Higher Power. As the title suggests, the song succeeded in raising the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the audience present. Not to mention the sudden appearance of the GBK stadium like stars shining at night because the wrist bands worn by each visitor seemed to light up and flicker and change color.