12 Nama Band Musik Populer Indonesia yang Ternyata Singkatan

Kawula Muda, beberapa nama grup band musik Indonesia yang biasa lo dengar ternyata ada yang merupakan sebuah singkatan yang mungkin lo tak menyadarinya. 

Salah satu grup band Indonesia yang namanya berasal dari singkatan adalah MALIQ & D’Essentials merupakan singkatan dari ‘Music and Live Instrumental Quality’.

Pasalnya, banyak penikmat musik Indonesia menganggap kata ‘MALIQ’ dalam MALIQ & D’Essentials merupakan nama seseorang, entah salah seorang personil maupun nama yang berhubungan dengan grup musik tersebut.

Selain MALIQ & D’Essentials, di bawah ini adalah daftar nama band di Indonesia yang ternyata adalah singkatan. Lo sudah tahu, belum?

1. Maliq & D’Essentials


Seperti yang sudah disebutkan di atas, MALIQ & D’Essentials merupakan singkatan dari Music and Live Instrumental Quality, loh. Pasalnya, mereka sudah nge-spill singkatan ini di salah satu lagunya yang berjudul “Beautiful Life”, di dalam lagu yang juga menceritakan perjalanan manggung mereka ini, terdapat penggalan lirik sebagai berikut.

Though we got no money and still doing it for free

For the sake of music and live instrument quality

Didn’t think the crowd would love it or even understand it

But they actually sang and dance as long as we kicked it

2. The SIGIT


Pada awalnya, nama The SIGIT memang diambil dari nama ayah sang vokalis, Kawula Muda. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, grup musik bergenre rock ini memutuskan untuk membuat akronim dari The SIGIT agar lebih keren, ucap mereka.

“Akhirnya di Google, masa The SIGIT doang, kurang keren ya walaupun nama bapak saya ya,” kata Rekti, vokalis The SIGIT mengutip Kompas. 

The SIGIT akhirnya memiliki kepanjangan The Super Insurgent Group of Intemperance Talent. Jika lo memperhatikan, dalam beberapa penulisan, band The SIGIT kerap ditulis ‘The S.I.G.I.T’ yang menunjukkan bahwa nama The SIGIT memang merupakan sebuah akronim.

3. Peterpan


Mungkin sudah banyak Kawula Muda yang tahu jika Peterpan merupakan akronim dari ‘Pemuda Terminal Antapani’. Seperti yang diketahui, Antapani merupakan nama daerah di Bandung tempat band pelantun “Yang Terdalam” ini berasal.

Meski mereka juga mengakui bahwa Peterpan terinspirasi dari salah satu tokoh kartun, para personilnya tidak menyangkal akan singkatan tersebut loh, Kawula Muda.


Band Slank

Salah satu band legendaris Indonesia, nih. Nama SLANK ternyata terinspirasi dari kawan-kawan mereka yang sering menyebut mereka cowok slengean. Jadi, Slank merupakan kependekan dari kata slenge’an dan menggunakan huruf K biar lebih keren ucap para personil.



Boy grup yang menandai era awal kemunculan grup musik ala Korea Selatan di Indonesia ini memang merupakan singkatan, Kawula Muda. Smash yang biasa juga ditulis SM*SH ini merupakan singkatan dari Seven Man as Seven Heroes, yang menandai ketujuh personil mereka.

6. Dewa 19


Jika lo mengira Dewa 19 merupakan sebuah band yang terinspirasi dari kata ‘dewa’ dan pria, rupanya hal tersebut tidak dibenarkan oleh para personil. Pasalnya, Dewa 19 merupakan kepanjangan dari Dhani, Erwin, Wawan, dan Andra yang disebut sebagai empat founding fathers Dewa 19, Kawula Muda.



Sepertinya Ahmad Dhani memang hobi membuat singkatan untuk proyek musik yang ia garap ya, Kawula Muda. Salah satu proyek sampingan dari Dewa 19 di bawah manajemen Republik Cinta ini ternyata juga singkatan loh, TRIAD merupakan singkatan dari The Rock Indonesia and Ahmad Dhani, sebelumnya TRIAD dikenal dengan The Rock.

8. SoulVibe


Grup musik SoulVibe juga merupakan singkatan dari ‘Sound of Universal Love: Various Instrument Behaviour’, loh. Grup musik yang populer dengan lagu “Biarlah (Hapus Cinta)” dan “Gerangan Cinta” ini dibentuk sejak tahun 2003.

9. Kla Project

Kla Project

Band yang menemani anak 90an galau ini juga merupakan singkatan dari para personilnya, loh. Diketahui, Kla Project merupakan singkatan dari keempat personil, yakni  Katon Bagaskara, Lilo, Adi Adrian dan Ari Burhani.

10. Scaller


Salah satu band indie Indonesia yang sudah melakukan showcase ke beberapa negara, Scaller, ternyata kata Scaller sendiri tidak ada artinya di dalam bahasa Inggris, loh. Maka dari itu, duo Reney Karamoy dan Stella Gareth membuat nama Scaller menjadi sebuah singkatan dari ‘Simply Call Reverse’, di mana kata Reverse dianggap menjadi inti dari nama band ini yang mana ingin ‘kembali’ ke era musik tahun 60an hingga 90an.

11. Yovie & Nuno

yovie and nuno

Banyak yang penasaran akan kata ‘Nuno’ di dalam nama Yovie & Nuno. Pasalnya, Yovie memang nama salah satu eks personilnya, Yovie Widianto.

Yovie kemudian mengungkapkan bahwa Yovie & Nuno merupakan nama sebuah band.

“Yovie & Nuno itu nama brand, nama merek sebuah band. Nama saya Yovie Widianto, bukan Yovie & Nuno. Nama itu memang sebuah kesatuan namanya Yovie & Nuno,” ucap Yovie mengutip Kompas.

Dan kata Nuno sendiri memiliki sebuah makna yang dalam, “Nuno itu artinya Numero Uno yang bermakna nomor satu, nama itu harapan dan doa ya,” ujarnya.

Jadi ingat ya, Kawula Muda. ‘Nuno’ itu ‘numero uno’, bukan nama orang…

12. ST 12

ST 12Grup musik ST 12 formasi awal (INSTAGRAM)

Band dengan formasi awal Charly Van Houten, Pepeng, Pepep, dan mendiang Iman Rush ini memilih nama ST12 yang merupakan kependekan dari Jalan Stasiun Timur No. 12 yang menjadi markas band yang kini hadir dengan wajah baru.

Kawula Muda, jadi itu 12 nama band Indonesia yang ternyata berasal dari singkatan. Kira-kira, ada lagi enggak ya, nama band Indonesia yang merupakan singkatan?

12 Names of Popular Indonesian Music Bands That Turn Out to be Abbreviations

Young people, some of the names of Indonesian music bands  that you usually hear are actually abbreviations that you might not be aware of. 

One of the Indonesian bands whose name comes from an abbreviation is MALIQ & D’Essentials, which stands for ‘Music and Live Instrumental Quality’.

The reason is, many Indonesian music lovers consider the word ‘MALIQ’ in MALIQ & D’Essentials to be the name of a person, whether one of the personnel or a name related to the music group.

Apart from MALIQ & D’Essentials, below is a list of band names in Indonesia which apparently are abbreviations . You know that, don’t you?

1. Maliq & D’Essentials


As mentioned above, MALIQ & D’Essentials is an abbreviation for Music and Live Instrumental Quality, you know. The reason is, they have spilled this abbreviation in one of their songs entitled “Beautiful Life”, in the song which also tells the story of their gig journey, there is a fragment of the lyrics as follows.

Though we got no money and still do it for free

For the sake of music and live instrument quality

Didn’t think the crowd would love it or even understand it

But they actually sang and danced as long as we kicked it

2. The SIGIT


Initially, the name The SIGIT was taken from the name of the vocalist’s father, Kawula Muda. However, as time went by, this rock music group decided to create an acronym for The SIGIT to make it cooler, they said.

“Finally on Google, it’s just The SIGIT, it’s not cool enough, even though my father’s name is,” said Rekti, vocalist of The SIGIT, quoting Kompas. 

The SIGIT finally stands for The Super Insurgent Group of Intemperance Talent . If you pay attention, in several writings, the band The SIGIT is often written as ‘The SIGIT’ which shows that the name The SIGIT is indeed an acronym.

3. Peterpan


Maybe many young people already know that Peterpan is an acronym for ‘Antapani Terminal Youth’. As is known, Antapani is the name of the area in Bandung where the band singing “The Terdalam” originates.

Even though they also admit that Peterpan was inspired by a cartoon character, the personnel do not deny the abbreviation, Kawula Muda.


Slank Band

One of Indonesia’s legendary bands. The name SLANK was apparently inspired by their friends who often called them slengean guys . So, Slank is an abbreviation of the word slenge’an and uses the letter K to make the staff members cooler.



This boy group, which marks the initial era of the emergence of South Korean-style music groups in Indonesia, is indeed an abbreviation, Kawula Muda. Smash, which is usually written as SM*SH, is an abbreviation of Seven Man as Seven Heroes , which marks their seven personnel.

6. Dewa 19


If you think that Dewa 19 is a band inspired by the words ‘god’ and man, apparently this is not confirmed by the members. The reason is, Dewa 19 is an extension of Dhani, Erwin, Wawan, and Andra who are said to be the four founding fathers of Dewa 19, Kawula Muda.



It seems that Ahmad Dhani’s hobby is making abbreviations for the music projects he is working on, Young People. One of the side projects of Dewa 19 under the management of Republik Cinta turns out to be an abbreviation, TRIAD is an abbreviation of The Rock Indonesia and Ahmad Dhani, previously TRIAD was known as The Rock.

8. SoulVibe


The music group SoulVibe also stands for ‘Sound of Universal Love: Various Instrument Behavior’, you know. This music group, which is popular with the songs “Biarlah (Delete Love)” and “Gerangan Cinta” was formed in 2003.

9. Kla Project

Kla Project

The band that accompanies the confused 90s kids is also an abbreviation for its members, you know. It is known that Kla Project is an abbreviation for the four personnel, namely Katon Bagaskara, Lilo, Adi Adrian and Ari Burhani.

10. Scaller


One of the Indonesian indie bands that has done showcases in several countries, Scaller, it turns out that the word Scaller itself has no meaning in English, you know. Therefore, the duo Reney Karamoy and Stella Gareth made the name Scaller an abbreviation of ‘Simply Call Reverse’, where the word Reverse is considered to be the essence of the name of this band which wants to ‘return’ to the music era of the 60s to 90s.

11. Yovie & Nuno

yovie and nuno

Many are curious about the word ‘Nuno’ in the name Yovie & Nuno. The reason is, Yovie is the name of one of the former personnel, Yovie Widianto.

Yovie then revealed that Yovie & Nuno was the name of a band.

“Yovie & Nuno is a brand name, the brand name of a band. My name is Yovie Widianto, not Yovie & Nuno. The name is indeed a unit called Yovie & Nuno,” said Yovie, quoting Kompas.

And the word Nuno itself has a deep meaning, “Nuno means Numero Uno which means number one, the name is hope and prayer,” he said.

So remember, young people. ‘Nuno’ is ‘ numero uno ‘, not a person’s name…

12.ST 12

ST 12ST 12

The band with the initial formation of Charly Van Houten, Pepeng, Pepep, and the late Iman Rush chose the name ST12 which is an abbreviation of Jalan Stasiun Timur No. 12 which is the headquarters of the band which now has a new face.

Kawula Muda, so those are 12 Indonesian band names which apparently come from abbreviations. I wonder, are there any other Indonesian band names that are abbreviations?

5 Most Famous Original Bandung Bands

JAKARTA – Bandung has no end of producing talented bands . Many famous Indonesian bands were born from Bandung. This band can even exist today.

The birth of great musicians and artists from Bandung cannot be separated from cultural roots. Art seems closely connected to the community. This is why many musicians attended because it was supported by the atmosphere and environment.read also:

Here are the 5 most famous original Bandung bands

1. Noah

5 Most Famous Original Bandung Bands

Noah is an Indonesian rock music group formed in 2000 in Bandung, West Java.

The name Peterpan itself was obtained by accident. Boris, nicknamed Ariel, said that at that time Andika and his mother were in Puncak, Bogor. There Andika saw a rabbit satay stall called Peterpan.

After that Andika met Ariel CS who was preparing for an audition to become a home band at the cafe. Andika also proposed using the name Peterpan as the band name. Ariel CS, who was having a hard time preparing for the audition, immediately agreed without thinking.



Gigi is Indonesia’s top band. This band was formed in 1994 with the initiation of Dewa Budjana.

Gigi’s personnel at that time, Baron, Thomas, Ronald, Budjana and Armand had traveled across the music industry with their respective careers.

At that time, Dewa Budjana had the dream of forming a band with two guitar players and then formed this band on March 22 1994.

Gigi succeeded in producing their first album entitled Dunia in 1995. The song Janji in this album succeeded in launching Gigi onto the stage of the Indonesian music industry as a group whose existence and musicality were taken into account.

3. The SIGIT


The SIGIT or the abbreviation for The Super Insurgent Group of Intemperance Talent is a rock band from Bandung. The band, which consists of Rektivianto Yoewono, Aditya Bagja Mulyana, Farri Icksan Wibisana, and Donar Armando Ekana, actually doesn’t want to be categorized as a particular genre. However, their music has been described as that of a garage rock band whose music is often compared to that of Wolfmother and The Datsuns.

In 2004, they released a mini album entitled The SIGIT. Since releasing this album, the name of the singer of “Soul Sister” immediately became famous in Bandung and Jakarta. Even The SIGIT as the hottest Rock N Roll band.


The definition of a band is a group of people with the same musical genre who have one dream of working by forming a musical group. Bands consist of various types, for example indie bands.
We often hear the term indie band as an independent band that is not bound by the market’s desires to determine the color of their music. Debates about the meaning of this band often occur among music observers, but of course the definition of indie band in general means a musical movement based on what that we have. And usually their musical works are outside the current mainstream, where mainstream usually means mainstream, where bands are under a major label, an established industry

5 Indonesian Bands that Still Survive with 3 Personnel

It’s not easy to maintain a band. The Indonesian band which only has three members will be discussed in this Okezone article.

The band survived with three members for various reasons. However, the remaining three members are one way to maintain the life of the band to this day.

1. Sheila On 7

Sheila on 7 is now strengthened by Duta as vocalist, Eross as guitarist and Adam on bass. After Brian’s departure in 2022, Sheila still maintains three personnel to date.read also:

5 Indonesian Bands that Still Survive with 3 Personnel


Since its inception, NTRL has maintained a three-personnel formation. Now NTRL is strengthened by Bagus Dhanar Dhana (Ombags) – vocalist, bass picker (1992–present), Eno Gitara Ryanto (Bang Eno) – drummer, backing vocalist (1998–present) and Christopher Bollemeyer (Den Coki) – main guitarist & rhythm guitarist, backing vocalist (2002–present).

3. Square Band

The box consists of Tantri (Tantri Syalindri Ichlasari), Chua (Swasti Sabdastantri) and Cella (Mario Marcella). After Posan’s departure, Kotak continued to maintain a three-person formation.

Ed Sheeran Caught on a Trip to Santa Market Ahead of Concert at JIS, Hides Autographed Album in Vinyl Shop

Ahead of the concert at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), North Jakarta today, Saturday (2/3/2024), Ed Sheeran took the time to go for a walk. The location he was going to was Pasar Santa , South Jakarta.

The video of the “Perfect” singer’s visit was widely circulated on social media, recorded by TikTok users Ivanariberoo & jasabrow, and re-shared by Instagram accounts such

In the recording, Ed Sheeran appears casual in a white t-shirt and shorts, accompanied by a number of staff. He looked engrossed and happy tinkering with vinyl in one of the shops.


Not long after, this moment was also shared on Ed Sheeran’s official Instagram Story account. He also revealed his purpose in stopping at Santa Market, which apparently was not for shopping.

“ Hid some signed divide vinyl at record stores inside Santa Market I Jakarta. Go forth and find them! (Hide a number of autographed Divide vinyl albums in an album shop at Pasar Santa in Jakarta. Please find them!), ” he wrote in the upload.

Him Baju Britney Spears

It doesn’t stop here, in another post Ed Sheeran also shows his “adventure” in Jakarta. Including finding a clothing shop with a picture of the artist Britney Spears.

“It’s Britney bi***,” he wrote, quoting lyrics from Britney Spears’ song “Gimme More.”

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Justin Timberlake Gives Code *NSYNC Will Be on New Album

Justin Timberlake  gave the code *NSYNC  will be involved in one of the songs on his latest album entitled Everything I Thought It Was.
The code started when a netizen named Briana Resendez left a comment on one of Timberlake’s TikTok videos.

“Blink twice if *NSYNC is on a song called Paradise,” wrote Briana Resendez in the comments column.

The reply video shows Justin Timberlake wearing a green t-shirt, green hat and sunglasses. He also lowered his glasses and blinked twice as a sign that *NSYNC was involved in his new album.

On the other hand, Justin Timberlake also released the first song from his latest album entitled Selfish last month. The 43-year-old singer has also performed the song on Saturday Night Life.

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The album Everything I Thought It Was will be Justin Timberlake’s first solo comeback after releasing the album Man of the Woods in 2018.

Jessica Biel’s husband will also perform a concert entitled Forget Tomorrow World Tour next spring.

*NSYNC finally reunited after the boyband went on hiatus for more than 20 years. The boy band that made Justin Timberlake famous decided to take a break in 2002.

They reunited publicly for the first time when they appeared on the 2023 MTV VMA stage. *NSYNC had the opportunity to read out the Best Pop category which was won by Taylor Swift.

After that, *NSYNC released a new song after 20 years entitled Better Place. This song was used as the soundtrack for the animated film Trolls Band Together, starring Justin Timberlake.

This comeback moment shook the world, causing speculation to arise regarding a reunion tour and *NSYNC’s latest album. However, there has been no confirmation regarding this matter.

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*NSYNC is a boy band from America that has been formed since 1995. However, *NSYNC only made their debut by releasing an album entitled ‘N Sync in 1997.

The album with the main single I Want You Back became a hit that was loved by fans on the international stage.

*NSYNC then released other albums, namely Home for Christmas (1998), No Strings Attached (2000), and Celebrity (2001). Various singles from that song also became popular, such as Bye Bye Bye and It’s Gonna Be Me from the album No Strings Attached.

Xdinary Heroes Concert Tickets in Jakarta Suddenly Upgraded, Check Out the Details

 The Xdinary Heroes concert which will be held in Indonesia, is only a matter of days away. Titled Break the Brake, the event was held at The Kasablanka Hall on Saturday (2/3/2024).

Ahead of the concert, there is good news for Xdinary Heroes fans who will watch the idol’s concert. Because Mecima Pro , as the promoter, announced that there were changes to the Yellow category.

Yellow category ticket holders who were previously in the festival position, aka standing, will now get a seat. This was officially reported by Mecimapro via its Instagram page.

“Dear Villains Indonesia, because there are adjustments in the Xdinary Heroes <Break the Brake> World Tour in Jakarta (concert), there will be changes in the Yellow category,” wrote Mecimapro in his upload, Wednesday (28/2/2024).

“The Yellow category, which previously had a standing format, has now changed to a seating format,” he added.

This change also applies to each category Yellow A and B. Which will later change to Yellow right and left.

The following are the ticket categories provided by the promoter. Yellow (Rp. 1.1 million), Green (Rp. 1.7 million), Blue (Rp. 2.4 million) and MCP Package (Rp. 2.8 million).

As a warm-up, what songs will Xdinary Heroes perform at the concert? Perhaps, the setlist for their concert in Paris, France could be a leak.

One of the songs that will definitely be present is of course Break the Brake which is on Xdinary Heroes’ latest EP, Livelock. Remembering that the name of this concert matches the single.

Apart from Break the Brake, there are several songs on the Livelock EP which were part of the setlist at the Xdinary Heroes concert in Paris, France. Among them are ‘Freddy’, ‘Enemy’, ‘Paranoid’, ‘Bad Chemical’, ‘Again? Again!’as well as ‘Pluto’.

Another prediction that cannot be ignored is Xdinary Heroes’ Bandar togel terpercaya debut song, Happy Death Day, which will be released in 2021.

Xdinary Heroes is indeed a new band that emerged in 2021. However, regarding achievements, Jungsu CS can be compared.

For example, the first song Xdinary Heroes, Happy Death Day, is at number 12 on the Billboard World Digital Song Sales.

Others won two trophies at MAMA 2022. The awards were for the ‘Best Band Performance’ and ‘Best New Male Artist’ categories.

The Moment Mr. Bas Changed His Profession to Become a Drummer for the Band Kotak, Performed the Song ‘Action’

SOLO – PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono has gone viral again after suddenly changing his profession to become a drummer. In a video circulating, Pak Bas is seen as the drummer for the Kotak Band. He accompanied Tantri in singing Beraksi. Mr. Bas also looks like a professional and relaxed playing the drum. In the video he is wearing white clothes and a black hat with the PUPR logo. The video of Mr. Bas becoming the drummer for the Kotak Band went viral after being shared by the TikTok account @cepatsebuah on Monday (2/1/2023). From the information, Mr. Bas carried out this action at the PUPR 77th Public Service Day Folk Festival on December 3 2022. Minister Basuki himself is really good at playing the drums, before this he had showcased his talent several times at several events. ALSO READ Apart from being an impromptu photographer, Mr. Bas has also gone viral with his old cell phone Several years ago, Pak Bas and other officials such as Budi Karya Sumadi, Retno Marsudi and Ganjar Pranowo, played songs on the stage of the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) campus.

How to Manage a Small Business to Quickly Succeed

No matter how big the capital, the business will be difficult or even unable to develop if the management is not good. Especially for small businesses, understanding how to manage a business is very important so that our business goals can run according to expectations and business development in a positive direction can continue to occur.

How to manage a business has actually become a mandatory application in large-scale businesses. However, even on a small or medium scale business, business management often does not apply.

This happens because not everyone understands and wants to learn how to manage a business. The habit of fighting in various situations with courage is often thought to be the main weapon for winning business. In fact, courage without proper planning and management will only make our efforts die in vain quickly or slowly.

The Importance of Understanding How to Manage a Business

You may still be thinking, what is the importance of understanding how to manage a business if the scale of the business is still small. Even for small businesses, good management is what can ultimately increase the scale of the business. The following is the importance of understanding how to manage a business so that business goals can occur.

  • Everything is More Planned

Not only in business, in making decisions in daily activities, plans become very important. With a good plan, we can anticipate the worst possibilities. We can understand what to do if a situation occurs. Business is no exception, business management methods can make all business activities more planned so that everything done can support future business goals.

  • Efforts Become Clearly Directed

Understanding how to manage business makes it easier for us to walk on the right track. All efforts made for the business, whether made by you as a leader or by employees, can be clearly directed. So, business goals will not deviate.

  • More Controlled Activities

Things that often happen in a business that leads to failure in various business activities appear to be uncontrollable. This condition starts from uncontrolled business activities. In fact, if we understand how to manage a business, each business activity can be monitored and controlled more carefully so that things that can harm the company can be minimized.

 Tips for Managing Business for Small Businesses

In large-scale companies, business management matters are usually left to professionals. However, for small businesses, of course you cannot immediately recruit professionals to run the business because it will require large costs, which can take up production funds and other business activities.Like it or not, we ourselves have to learn and understand how to manage a business well. No need to be confused, here are some tips on how to manage a business for small businesses that can be directly applied to the business you are starting and running.Create Targets and Products Based on Consumer TrendsIt often happens that business owners have the idealism to create various business products to be distributed on the market. However, unfortunately, when they were put on the market, these products did not sell and became a big loss for the business being run.Idealism is necessary, but consumer needs are more important in running a business. There is no point in making products based on idealism if that is not what consumers need. This only makes the product unsold and the business becomes helter-skelter.Start changing our mindset and create targets and products based on trends in consumer needs. Forget idealism for a moment and start focusing on researching what consumers want and need from a product. Then, create business targets according to research from monitoring these consumers. That way, the business products you create will have more potential to sell on the market and make your business grow faster.Determine Product Quantity and QualityWhen running a small business in particular, it is not uncommon for us to be confused when faced with two choices in making a product. What do we want to excel at in the products we create, quantity or quality?It is not uncommon for choices to be made because limited capital is deemed unable to accommodate both. With minimal capital, it is difficult to produce abundant production. Under the same conditions, it is difficult to create products of first-class quality. Believe me, this thinking only becomes an obstacle in developing your business. Even with limited capital, we can still increase product quantity and quality.Make products in large quantities according to market needs that you have researched first so that they are easily available to the public. Don’t forget to display superior quality. Quality here does not have to be number one in all aspects, but there are quality aspects that are prioritized according to consumer needs. We guarantee that our business products will be more easily seen by consumers with this combination of quantity and quality.Marketing Should Not Be IgnoredThe good products that we have produced may remain unsold on the market if no one knows about their existence. For new products, it takes quite a lot of effort to make consumers aware of the existence of the product. This is where the importance of marketing as a way of managing a business that should not be ignored.Through good marketing, consumers not only know about the existence of a new product, but also about the quality of the products produced by our business. Through marketing, we can expand our sales reach so that the quantity of product sales and potential business profits can increase.The existence of social media and various online marketplaces nowadays actually makes marketing easier for small and medium businesses. Yes, we can do marketing with minimal capital by utilizing the digital world. However, what should not be forgotten is that you always combine marketing with product orientation and direct promotion to increase consumer confidence.Customize Marketing ToolsMarketing is indeed a very important tool in developing a business. In fact, in a concept it is recommended that the budget for marketing should reach 40 percent of the total capital you have.However, it often happens that we have spent a lot of budget on marketing, but sales remain stagnant, making it difficult for the business to develop. Usually this happens because we use inappropriate marketing tools.The right marketing tool for small businesses is actually social media. Of course, promotions carried out via social media must be able to describe the product well and in detail so that people are interested in buying it. Also make sure that potential consumers can easily direct purchases if they are interested in a product promoted via social media. This marketing tool is more realistic for small businesses with limited funds to market products, compared to having to advertise in the media with large funds or by promoting directly to one person at a time.