16 Ways to Become a Successful Person from Zero, Anyone Can Try It!

Who doesn’t want to be a successful person? Most of us would certainly answer ‘yes’. Not surprisingly, various ways to become a successful person are willing to be done in order to achieve the success that they have always wanted to achieve. Starting from reading books, attending seminars, watching videos of inspirational stories, and so on.

Success itself is a complex thing and is influenced by various factors, such as family background, talent, opportunity, hard work, and even luck.

However, there are a number of ways you can do to become a successful person, one of which is by implementing the following 16 methods.

List of contents

  1. 16 Ways to Become a Successful Person
    1. 1. Discipline
    2. 2. Consistency
    3. 3. Want to Keep Learning
    4. 4. Be responsible
    5. 5. Have a Plan and Goals
    6. 6. Value Time
    7. 7. Increase relationships
    8. 8. Consider suggestions/input from other people
    9. 9. Healthy Lifestyle
    10. 10. Positive Thinking
    11. 11. The Soul of a Good Leader
    12. 12. Quick to Adapt
    13. 13. Learn from Mistakes
    14. 14. Always be grateful
    15. 15. Optimistic
    16. 16. Don’t be easily satisfied

16 Ways to Become a Successful Person

The following are 16 ways to become a successful person that can help you achieve success and dig deeper into the potential that exists within you.

1. Discipline

The first way to become a successful person is to be disciplined in everything you do. One example is by committing to doing everything in a timely and organized manner.

Some examples of disciplined attitudes possessed by successful people:

  • Wake up early every day
  • Exercise regularly
  • Manage existing finances as effectively as possible
  • Eat healthy and nutritious food, reduce your intake of junk food and other preservatives

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2. Consistency

Some of us may be familiar with the saying ” consistency is the key “. This proverb means that consistency is the key to success. By being consistent in what we do, no matter how small the progress we make, we will ultimately be able to achieve our goals rather than by making big progress all at once but inconsistently.

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3. Want to Keep Learning

The rapid and rapid development of the times forces us to continue to learn and adapt to circumstances. Those who are successful are those who have a strong desire to continue learning from time to time without getting tired or feeling limited by age.

Strive to continually improve your knowledge and skills. such as taking part in free or paid training and taking advantage of opportunities to learn from other people. The point is, it’s never too late to learn.

4. Be responsible

Like discipline, you must instill an attitude of responsibility into your mindset. Try to finish everything you start as best as possible and if there are problems along the way, try to think for a moment and face them as coolly as possible.

Running from a problem will not make you a successful person. In fact, the problems that come and go are a test for you to be more mature, tough and a wise person.

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5. Have a Plan and Goals


Image Source: Freepik/benzoix

Success is achieved because of plans and goals for the future. Prepare a plan for what you need to do to achieve your existing goals. Don’t forget to regularly evaluate every step you make.

6. Value Time

The next way to become a successful person is to value the time you have. By making the most of the time you have, you have the opportunity to be one step ahead of everyone else.

Apart from that, respecting time means that you also respect yourself by not wasting your time on things that are useless and detrimental to you.

7. Increase relationships

The social environment can influence your thought patterns and behavior. Therefore, try to make friends with people who are positive, have goals in life, and always support you in achieving your dreams. Avoid those who are a bad influence and have a hedonistic lifestyle .

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8. Consider suggestions/input from other people

Every human being is born with different traits and characters. There’s no harm in listening to any suggestions or input from other people with different backgrounds than yours.

Make sure to re-screen all the feedback you receive. Don’t just accept it straight away. Sort out what you can apply in real life and what you can’t.

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9. Healthy Lifestyle

Successful people really value their physical health. They will carry out a series of activities that can maintain their body fitness, for example by living a healthy lifestyle such as exercising, meditating, eating.

10. Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a way to become the next successful person that you should not miss. By thinking positively you can better manage the negative emotions that arise in you, reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, and be able to control our lives better.

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11. The Soul of a Good Leader

The next way to become a successful person is to have a good leadership spirit or what is often referred to as a leadership spirit. Being a good leader doesn’t mean you have to have a team or subordinates to lead, you can hone your leadership skills by leading yourself first to become a person who is always focused and responsible.

12. Quick to Adapt

A person’s adaptability is a measure of success. The reason is, those who are good at adapting can easily overcome various obstacles that come their way and are not afraid to take advantage of existing opportunities.

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13. Learn from Mistakes

Apart from listening to advice or input from other people, another thing that is no less important and you need to consider is learning from mistakes. The mistakes referred to here can mean something broad, for example learning from mistakes you have made or mistakes that have happened to other people.

14. Always be grateful

Having an ambition and goal in life is indeed good. However, don’t forget to always be grateful for every process and result you get. By being grateful, you will not only gain worldly success, but also spiritual success.

15. Optimistic

Being optimistic and never giving up is one way to become a successful person in a sustainable manner. Without an optimistic nature in you, you will have a tendency to give up easily, be afraid to try, and feel hesitant to make changes that have the potential to bring good to yourself.

16. Don’t be easily satisfied

To achieve success certainly requires sacrifice and strong determination. You must be able to face obstacle after obstacle well in order to reach the peak of success.

Don’t be easily satisfied with what you currently have. This feeling of satisfaction will only make you enjoy momentary success, which turns out to have a negative side. Among others are:

  • Being easily satisfied will only keep you stuck in the same situation, making you not want to develop to be better.
  • Bringing out arrogance in oneself as a result of having succeeded in reaching a certain point.

BFI friends, that’s how to become a successful person that you can apply in your everyday life. Hopefully you can achieve the success you have been dreaming of all this time and become an even better person.

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